Thursday, June 25, 2009

Micheal Jackson...

OH. MY. GOSH. i cant believe it...micheal jackson is dead...this is horrible! i mean yeah he might have changed his race, had really creepy plastic surgery and benn acused molesting children, but legal issues aside, he was a talented musician. everyone knows "thriller" and the dance that goes with it,in fact i once saw a kid, like 12 years old, request it at a party once. i will never forget the time when i was little and my mom was playing a jackson 5 record and i asked "mommy, whats the name of the lady singing right now?", but it was micheal jackson.i remember being on the bus heading to swim meets when R would start singing "smooth criminal" out of nowhere. i guess what im attepting to say is that although he may have died a strange looking freak, he was still wicked awesome,even when he was white, well...good-bye bye micheal...

PS: for those of you who believe in reincarnation, well, you all know that he will be born knowing his ABC's.


  1. Michael Jackson grew up without any friends and he had the mentality of a ten year-old. He liked playing with little kids. He was never good with adults. That explains the sleep-overs! HE NEVER MOLESTED THE CHILD!!!!! It was an unfair judging. Do we get charged with molesting children when we have sleep-overs? No. Because we are kids. Michael Jackson was like a kid. Except for his music and his moonwalk!!!!!

  2. in the court case it was decided that he had, so i put in in the post. then i saw a thing on tv and they said that he hadnt that it was more like sleeping in a bed together but that it wasnt sexual. although it is pretty creepy. very creepy.

  3. he paid a family a bunch of money so they wouldn't charge him. and who's r?

  4. liz, just think about it...who do you think r is?
